Our company is establish since 1989. We create perfume for varies ages and sex. Our concept is “The smell can make the other love.” Our product is suitable price for everyone. It is not too expensive. We make it in the right price because we want to get the customer and we want it to become well-known. The customer can authoritative our company. We use the best material in every method 100 percent. One bottle of perfume can use in long period. We have provide perfume in many seasons such as spring, autumn, and summer and we have provide promotion for celebration mother’s day and father’s day. When we have produce the new product we will send the sample to member and we indicate data to the customer by e-mail. We always recreate the new product because we want the customer to get benefit. The customer can approach our product by internet, department store, and duty-free area. Our package can attract more customer to interest our product and it can reduce environment. Our company do not sell in Thailand but we sell in many countries such as England, U.S.A, Korea, and Japan. Our company dissimilar with other company because our product are outstanding . Name of product are evident. Everyone require our perfume.
Product name Bonbon. It means good in France language
The reasons that we should produce perfume are:
1. Perfume is significant because it help to deodorize. Example, when the place where we stay is crowd and our body will have a lot of sweat and these cause for bad smell our perfume can help.
2. Attracting people around us. It makes other want to close you more.
3. Perfume will last longer on your skin.
4. Scent of perfume is unique.
5. Perfume can improve and enhance social status.
Strategy for selling are:
1. The price is not too expensive.
2. Our perfume for varies ages and sex.
3. Our Company has promotion for member.
4. The customer can approach our product by internet, department store, and duty-free area.